Friday, July 27, 2012

Chasing Gerardo

Escaping from a mental institution isn't easy, just ask Elliot, but its especially not easy when you don't have a Pink Giantess to protect you against the Latin American Masked Luchadores...!!!

Check this Interesting Video out: Chasing Gerardo

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Secret File From CAHOLES: Dr. Cobb Part 1

My brother in science Silver Quill I fear the worst it has therefore fallen upon me, Dr. Cobb (PhD in History) to write this entry. Together we will probe the deep dark of the Superior Realms and the various worlds coalescing properties, as well as why it occurs. Of course, while I am writing this, a trusted source is investigating the nearest Wendy's in search of Silver Quill, who has taken to documenting their inner-workings.

The Superior Realm worlds repel each other. They are, in many ways, incompatible and thus can never come in contact. This means that left to their own world-ish devices they would be repelled through whatever undiscovered material surrounds them. This means that there must be some sort of adhesive influence upon the worlds, and we, the Chimerical Aggregation of Historians in Opposition to Lord El Stink, or CAHOLES—not to be confused with A. Holes—  have sought ludicrous theory after farcical ideas until we have finally found one which seems to fit. We have named this The Mortar Theorem. That or The Theorem of Peanut Butter Sandwiches. We couldn’t decide which was better one spelled TMT and the other had PBS in the abbreviation and some of us Historians thought that both were a little unoriginal.

Anyway, the idea is that there is something acting as mortar between bricks or peanut butter between two slices of bread which keep these otherwise repulsive objects together. We call these objects Localized Adhesive Things or LATs for short. These LATs can be anything. Sometimes, such as in Norse mythology, they are trees such as Yggdrasil, World Tree, or as the center of influence is called in my current history of Uodor, the AllSpice. However, these things can really be anything that plays an important role in a collection of worlds which we have opted to call Pearl Strings.

LATs influence loops are called Pearl Strings because, like pearls, the hard outrebounds of each world, or pearl on a pearl string necklace, refuse to overlap. In the center of the loop is the LAT which kind of acts as a sting or binding agent without which the pearls would eventually drift away. There are some, such as I, who believe that each pearl loop is, in and of itself, just another pearl on an even larger loop connected with an even larger LAT. We are not sure how many times this cycle would repeat.

The CAHOLES have found evidence to believe that beings live in these LATs, manipulating the fate of the people in their sphere of influence. This is especially interesting where it is possible to see overlapping influences resulting in such worlds as advanced technology and magic. We are still in debate over these creatures’ names. Some feel that we should find words to fit TES so that it can be added to LAT to make LATTES, but others feel that this detracts from the seriousness of the matter.


Dr. Cobb 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Info About the Superior Realms

This video is a video that was recovered in a certain Russian forest in a certain part of the world where the veil between Universes is not as thick. Some scholars speculate that the superior realm is not merely an alternative world but rather it is the gateway to many worlds and many alternate universes. In my journeys I too have found that this is the case. In fact the superior realm is the place were all worlds containing sentient life is first conceived.

Interestingly all of these world follow specific governing laws, that MUST be followed otherwise that world must inevitably fall.
The following link is a video that contains interesting information about certain denizens of the imaginative world of television, called Enforcers (Enter the Machine). It appears that even purely invented things, such as television shows, must adhere to certain laws that are put into affect due to an underlying universe. In this case the universe of television. The Enforcers are the executive branch of this law of television.

Although the enforcers each have a unique and distinguishing look, they all have some similarities. The midnight black trench coat or cloak, the black leather gloves, knee-high leather boots like the Halloween Mens Horror Walker Black Boots--the kind you might see in the military--and of course the red unearthly trademark masks.

There are five main Enforcers not including, of course, the Enforcers who are "recruited" as the unfortunate young man was in this video. The Enforcers' names roughly translated are:

Horror: The apparent leader of the Enforcers and patron of all Horror shows.

Violence: The muscle of the group, featured in the video with a sword, patron of  all action shows.

Drama: the dramatic one, with the cape. He isn't very strong, but very clever at twisting plots and words in a good soap opera.

Comic: Was not featured in this video.

Tragedy: Also not seen in this video.

I will continue to post my discoveries as I come by them. I have already discovered many new and exciting things, but I fear that I must wait to post all of them. Lord El Stinko is always vigilant. 


Silver Quill

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