Interestingly all of these world follow specific governing laws, that MUST be followed otherwise that world must inevitably fall.
The following link is a video that contains interesting information about certain denizens of the imaginative world of television, called Enforcers (Enter the Machine). It appears that even purely invented things, such as television shows, must adhere to certain laws that are put into affect due to an underlying universe. In this case the universe of television. The Enforcers are the executive branch of this law of television.
Although the enforcers each have a unique and distinguishing look, they all have some similarities. The midnight black trench coat or cloak, the black leather gloves, knee-high leather boots like the Halloween Mens Horror Walker Black Boots--the kind you might see in the military--and of course the red unearthly trademark masks.
Although the enforcers each have a unique and distinguishing look, they all have some similarities. The midnight black trench coat or cloak, the black leather gloves, knee-high leather boots like the Halloween Mens Horror Walker Black Boots--the kind you might see in the military--and of course the red unearthly trademark masks.
There are five main Enforcers not including, of course, the Enforcers who are "recruited" as the unfortunate young man was in this video. The Enforcers' names roughly translated are:
Horror: The apparent leader of the Enforcers and patron of all Horror shows.
Violence: The muscle of the group, featured in the video with a sword, patron of all action shows.
Drama: the dramatic one, with the cape. He isn't very strong, but very clever at twisting plots and words in a good soap opera.
Comic: Was not featured in this video.
Tragedy: Also not seen in this video.
I will continue to post my discoveries as I come by them. I have already discovered many new and exciting things, but I fear that I must wait to post all of them. Lord El Stinko is always vigilant.
Silver Quill
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